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Social justice essay

Social justice essay

social justice essay

Social Justice 7 Pages Before considering social justice, it is important to understand why it matters. Social justice is a powerful idea in society today, buts its origins and meanings are partially unclear. There is perhaps little if any doubt about the significance of this question among people in In this essay, the writer will attempt to present the difference between moral and ethics and evaluate the following ethical perspectives–utilitarianism, Rawls’s justice and fairness theory and communitarianism–as [ ] A Review of Keating’s ‘Distributive and Corrective Justice in the Tort Law of Accidents’  · The most common definition of social justice is a policy-making theory that tries to ensure that all members of society are treated fairly and that all have the same opportunities to partake of and share in the benefits of society. This could mean the end of discrimination based on sex, race, creed, ethnicity, or blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

Social Justice Free Essay Example

What is social justice? Social Justice can mean something different depending on who you are talking to. The most common definition of social justice is a policy-making theory that tries to ensure that all members of society are treated fairly and that all have the same opportunities to partake of and share in the benefits of society.

This could mean the end of discrimination based on sex, race, creed, ethnicity, or income. Another form of social justice could be equality through social justice essay taxation social justice essay the distribution of wealth, resources, social justice essay, and property.

It could also mean equal access to education and job placement for everybody. I believe that social justice is all of these things. The concept of Social Justice did not arise from utopian views of the world as it should be, social justice essay, but social justice essay from people who see the disparities in a world that has a global economy divided into the haves and have-nots.

Examples of this are various pro-environment, pro- equality political organizations that band together under the name the Green Party who social justice essay their thoughts on a credo called the four pillars, social justice essay. One of the pillars is social justice. Social Justice relies on the assumption that the disparity between rich and poor, the advantaged and disadvantaged, needs to be rectified or overcome if a truly just society whether global, national, or local is to emerge.

Supporters of social justice look to the unequal distribution of wealth when arguing their case. According to research done in by New York University economist Edward N, social justice essay. Wolff, the richest 1 percent of the U. population owned University of California psychology and sociology professor G. William Domhoff explains that the gap between the richest and poorest has been growing over time—chiefly due to tax breaks and the decline of organized labor. Domhoff also contends that with wealth comes power, power to maintain the status quo so that the concentration of wealth will remain in the hands of the few.

Social justice advocates also insist that a global disparity exists between those who do and do not have access to natural resources as well as those who do and do not share the benefits of education and technological innovation.

We must challenge the notion that water is a commodity to be bought and sold on the open market. Social justice essay who are committed to the privatization of water … are denying people a human right as basic as the air we breathe.

Social Justice These debates are exacerbated by the fact that most natural resources social justice essay held by industrialized nations in the Northern Hemisphere, social justice essay, while developing countries of the Third World are lacking. Social justice essay Marx thought along this line as well. Marx is talking about the struggle between what he calls the bourgeoisie and the proletarians.

Social justice essay argues that the bourgeoisie are the haves in the society, owning and controlling the means of production. Marx Communist Manifesto Marx argues that it social justice essay capitalists who create this disparity between the two classes of society.

The capitalist entrepreneurs begin to create factories in which they mass produce large quantities of goods, social justice essay. These factories soon begin to create so many products so quickly that they begin to take business away from the craftsmen who build the same products, social justice essay, but cannot make them on the same scale.

The craftsmen cannot compete with the factories output and so they have to go out of business becoming part of the proletariat, forced to work in the factories that put them out of business, social justice essay. Soon the proletariat begins to concentrate in cities where the factories are built. The number of proletariat increases and the number of bourgeoisie decreases as free competition weeds out the weakest factory owners. In the end all of the means of production are owned by a few elite, while the rest of the population works in their factories.

This is where Marx says that the only way to fix this disparity between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is revolution. Marx argues social justice essay the proletariats now know how to create everything that they need for themselves in factories and the proletariat group has grown so large that the next logical step is to revolt and overthrow the bourgeoisie.

With the bourgeoisie out of power the proletariat can control the factories and produce everything that is needed for society. Marx saw modern industry creating a gap between the rich and poor. This view fits in with the idea of social justice when it comes to the distribution of wealth, resources, and property. Capitalism is what the American economy is run on.

A free market economy is essential to the way that American companies do business. Marx believed that capitalism would lead to a large disparity of wealth creating a small elite group of individuals and a large working class group who owned very little of the wealth. This is what champions of social justice are arguing.

Based on this information the next question is if revolution is necessary to fix this wealth disparity or if there are other means available, social justice essay.

The United States was formed out of a revolution and so it is not impossible to imagine the population of the United States rising up to topple the government. So if a revolution is needed the first obstacle that would need to be dealt with is the United States military. When Marx was writing the communist manifesto I believe that he thought that the military would also be part of the proletariat.

This would mean that when the proletariat revolted the bourgeoisie would not have a standing army to protect them and their factories because they would be fighting with the proletariat.

Members of the United States military enjoy very good benefits and often times a generous salary, plus they have taken an oath to protect the government. If it came down to it I have doubts that military personnel would support a revolution by the lower class, because this would destroy their benefits and status. Let us say that the military does support the revolution however and the government is overthrown.

The next question is what to replace it with so that the wealth of the country is redistributed between all people. Communism could be an answer to this problem. Under a communist social justice essay there would be no private property. People would still live and work, but they would do it to provide for the nation as a whole.

Products would still be produced, but people would not but things, everybody would be entitled to their basic needs and so everybody would have the same amount of wealth and property. This would be social justice in its purest form. There would not be discrimination and the wealth of the nation would be spread evenly amongst its citizens.

On a global scale all nations would have to accept this government. This way the resources of the world could be evenly distributed between the nations.

Each nation would get its share of the resources such as oil, wood, and fresh water. This vision however is implausible because of the nature of man. Man is greedy and will always covet what they do not have. In the countries where communism was put into effect, social justice essay, it was not true communism. In Soviet Russia the government owned all of the means of production and soon government officials held all of the wealth while the people were being oppressed again.

The revolution to stop the oppression of the poor had only changed out one set of corrupt government officials for another and the working class suffered all the same. This same thing is happening now in China and they also have a Communist government. The idea of Communism in its purest form would be the answer to social justice, but when Communism is put into practice it leads to corrupt governments that oppress the people of their nation.

Perhaps revolution is not needed at all. Throwing out the entire government is not necessary, but changing the economic policy is. Switching from a capitalist economy to a socialist economy could be social justice essay answer. In a socialist economy the means of production are owned by the government, but are controlled by the workers. There are two kinds of property, personal property, such as houses and clothing owned by the individual and public property which are the factories owned by the state but run by the workers.

A main difference between socialism and communism is that communist believe that capitalism needs to be cut out as soon as possible, while socialists see capitalism as a means to reach the ideal state. Socialists believe that everyone in society can benefit from capitalism as long as it is controlled by a centralized planning system.

I think that of these two suggestions for ways to obtain social justice socialism would be the best choice. This is because socialism is not political but economical. Socialism can work with many different types of political systems and so the United States would not have to completely overhaul its political system. The idea that the means of production are owned by the state and run by workers means that the returns from these industries benefit society as a whole.

The class system goes away because everybody has the same ownership of the means of production taking the wealth away from the small group of elite and giving it to everybody equally, social justice essay. According to a Pew Research poll, Americans were divided on the issue of class division.

Approximately 48 percent of those polled agreed that the nation was split between haves and have-nots, and another 48 percent disagreed with this assessment. Still, the number of dissenters was much higher, around 71percent, in Pew In addition, most critics of an economic justice strategy that seeks to spread the wealth among rich and poor alike argue that it would be unfair to those who worked hard to make their fortunes. For example, many free trade proponents believe that economic opportunities, social justice essay, prosperity, and even equitable justice within poor countries will social justice essay with globalization, the opening of markets and the integrating of trade around the world.

Tom G. Social Justice. Works Cited Karl Marx. Friedrich Engels. William Dudley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Accessed May 19, Social Justice Categories: Justice Social Justice, social justice essay.

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Social Justice Essay - Words | Bartleby

social justice essay

 · Long and Short Essays on Social Justice for Students and Kids in English Long Essay on Social Justice Words in English. Long Essay on Social Justice is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and Short Essay on Social Justice Words in English. Short Essay on Social Justice is usually given to 18 essay samples found Social Justice in Public Schools Principals leading for social justice in 21st Century public schools will require a change in their preparation programs from that of a traditional role to one that is ready to lead diverse schools  · As stated social justice is the key fundamental in valuing of ‘fairness and equity in resources, rights and treatment for marginalized individuals and groups of people, who do not share equal power in society because of their immigration, racial, ethnic, age, socio economic, religious heritage, physical ability, or sexual orientation status groups’.Estimated Reading Time: 14 mins

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