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Example exploratory essay

Example exploratory essay

example exploratory essay

Writing Excellent Exploratory Essay: Examples, Guide. A huge difference exists between an exploratory essay and any other traditional argumentative essay. Essentially, an exploratory essay is way different from any other that you may have written before. While other essays are focused on having a thesis statement that is explained in the body Free exploratory essays. Read the example of your paper and write an excellent assignment. Use these samples to master your essay writing skills and achieve the highest results in college 4/11/ · William Zeiger has characterized the exploratory essay as open: "[I]t is easy to see that expository composition—writing whose great virtue is to confine the reader to a single, unambiguous line of thought—is closed, in the sense of permitting, ideally, only one valid 'exploratory' essay, on the other hand, is an open work of nonfiction blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

Free exploratory essays |

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. These essays don't argue for a particular position. Instead, they look at an issue from several points of view.

An excellent essay keeps the reader guessing. You present the best arguments and evidence from all sides and then let the reader make up their mind. To get you started, example exploratory essay, I have included many different exploratory essay topics below. For many of the topics, I've included one or more links to essays which will get you thinking about the topic.

Value: How important is it? How much attention should we pay to it? Is it overblown or undervalued? Develop your own exploratory essay topic question by taking any topic and then creating statements or questions about claims of fact, definition, cause, value and policy.

Some topics work better for certain types of claims. For example on the topic. jarmoulok CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. What does your DNA reveal about you? Project and how this test has been used to identify genes for Obesity, Alcoholism and other disorders, example exploratory essay.

Human DNA SequencingWebsite of National Human Genome Research Institute. Texas Wildflowers. Does planting wildflowers along Texas roads help protect the environment? Should other states do the same? Some Convenient Truths by Gregg Easterbrook, in Atlantic Monthly, September Building a Better World with Chemicals [panel discussion about possible future developments in nanotechnology and chemistry] in Discover Magazine, September Elderly woman on life support.

Are there some medical technologies that go too far? Our Bodies, example exploratory essay, Our Technologies : Discusses the way in which nanotechnology is poised to alter our relationship between our bodies and technology, example exploratory essay.

The Bypass Cure : Explains research which found that giving people bypass surgery also cured them of Type 2 Diabetes, example exploratory essay. Is surgery a good option for treating this condition? The Hidden Epidemic: Tapeworms in the Brain : tells the shocking story of what happens when tapeworms, which ordinarily live in the stomach, end up moving to a person's brain.

This article suggests that Western Nations should spend more resources investigating ailments example exploratory essay affect developing example exploratory essay. Reverse Eugenics : Choosing an Embryo Who HAS a Disability: Should this be example exploratory essay option for parents who are deaf or have other disabilities? How eBooks Lost Their Shine by Paula Cocozza for The Guardian, April The Reading Brain in the Digital Age by Ferris Jabr for Scientific American, April Being a Better Online Reader by Maria Konnikova, for The New Yorker, July Digital Dating: Desperation or Necessity?

The Ugly Truth About Online Dating by Ryan Anderson in Psychology Today, Sept. Can Online Learning reproduce the Full Collge Experience? by Karen McKeown for The Heritage Foundation. Don't Clone a Neanderthal Babyby Arthur Caplan, in CNN Jan, example exploratory essay. Preservation in a Petri Dish: Scientists Hope Cloning Will Save Endangered Animals by Philip Bethge, Spegel Online International translated from GermanNovember 8, example exploratory essay, Question: What are some exploratory essay topics about organic produce or local farming?

Answer: Many people are now more concerned about where their food is grown and how it is grown, so your topic is very current. Here are some ideas:. Answer: "Dark communication" is a term that psychologists use to describe negative ways that people relate to one another, such as lying, gossip and betrayal.

You can find some example exploratory essay exploratory reporting on immigration along the U. border on NPR. Question: What are some exploratory essay topics about mental health at a example exploratory essay college?

Answer: "Redlining" has several definitions but I'm assuming you are referring to the practice of denying services based on race or socioeconomic status either directly or indirectly by making those services difficult to get.

Here are some possible topic questions:. How do we stop the redlining of certain areas of a town by supermarkets, causing people to live in "food deserts? Writing is one of these passions. So far your articles have been wonderful! Keep them coming!

Much love my fellow writer I hope to learn from you. Marine Biology. Electrical Engineering. Computer Science. Medical Science. Writing Tutorials. Performing Arts. Visual Arts. Student Life. Vocational Training. Standardized Tests. Online Learning. Social Sciences. Legal Studies. Political Science. What is an Exploratory Essay? This Article Includes: 1. How to Pick a Great Topic 2. Sample Essays 4. Exploratory Topics and Research Articles on: Race and DNA Energy and the Environment Medicine Reproduction Education Digital Reading Relationships Genetic Engineering Picking a Great Topic These essays are great for hot-button topics, example exploratory essay.

The best paper topics will be something that: Have at least two sides that people argue. Are something that many people are interested in talking about. Is an issue that is not agreed on. Is something that you can research. Includes information which is not just opinion. Types of Questions 1. Fact: What is it?

What is true? How can I know? Definition: what does it example exploratory essay How should we categorize this? Cause: What or who caused this? Who is responsible? Policy: What should we do?

Who should do it? How can we do it? Example of Different Questions on One Topic Develop your own exploratory essay topic question by taking any topic and then creating statements or questions about claims of fact, definition, cause, value and policy. For example example exploratory essay the topic topic fact definition cause value policy food technologies Using nitrogen fertilizer is bad What does "Organic" mean?

Why is there an increase in food allergies? Is free-range meat a better choice? Example exploratory essay more research dollars go to support farmers in poorer nations?

energy technologies Solar Energy technology can significantly reduce oil dependency What does "Off the Grid" mean? Did biofuel trend cause poor people's food cost to go up? Supporting electric car technology is important. We should immediately start building up our nuclear energy capability.

Explanatory Essay - Writing, Example, Structure [UPDATED] - EssayPro

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How to Write an Exploratory Essay With Sample Papers - Owlcation

example exploratory essay

21/1/ · Exploratory essays are some of the most tricky papers to write. This form of text is like nothing else – it is not quite an argumentative essay, but not an essay that contains opinions either. During education as a student, one may have to write an exploratory blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins What is an Exploratory Essay? An exploratory essay is a work of nonfiction where the writer deals with a problem or an idea without providing any evidence or thesis statement. A title of an exploratory essay explains the main idea. While writing this type of essay, we are not going to persuade readers Here you can find good exploratory essay examples. Just follow the structure and you will complete your paper successfully. ORDER ESSAY HERE. Introduction. It is the first page of your writing assignment and the part in which you have to give some key terms of your topic and describe them. Pay maximum attention to blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

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