Thursday, May 20, 2021

Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay

Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay

should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay

Moreover, in the United States, some states such as Washington and Colorado have also legalized the possession and usage of marijuana for medical purposes. On the other hand, various penalties are imposed for use or possession of cannabis in most states. Marijuana should be legalize because of the medical and economical adavnages it possesses Nov 21,  · Medical Marijuana: Argumentative Essay Example Outline. Much debate has been introduced regarding the legalization and medical use of marijuana. There are many testimonies of the successful use of marijuana for medical purposes and legally prescribed medications. Medical marijuana or cannabis is a drug, which provides great relief to cancer patients, Oct 05,  · First of all, it should be legalized for a medical purpose, indeed, marijuana, pot, grass or hashish used to be a medicine. Many doctors agree on the fact that it can reduce the pain of many sicknesses; it helps cancer patients to regain their appetite, relax muscles

Argumentative Essay Example: Medical Marijuana

Name Professor Courses Title 21 November Much debate has been introduced regarding the legalization and medical use of marijuana. There are many testimonies of the successful use of marijuana for medical purposes and legally prescribed medications. Medical marijuana or cannabis is a drug, which provides great relief to cancer patients, patients with epilepsy, glaucoma, HIV and AIDS, those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder PTSDamyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALSCrohn's disease, should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay, Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis MSand other similar medical conditions.

In marijuana, opioids perform a function of neurotransmitters because they send chemical signals to nerve cells throughout the nervous system. Researchers admit that 10mg of marijuana is one dose can be compared with one beer. This dosage influences a patient with chronic pain positively Russo, Converting medical marijuana industry into a state-owned one will bring to the state millions of dollars each month.

Illegal marijuana farming hurts the environment and leads to soil erosion. The state has to impose new environmental standards on the medical use and authorized supply of this drug D'Ambrosio, Some negative feelings may expand to paranoia, distrust, fear, panic, feeling of pain, and psychosis.

The main effects involve altered senses, mood changes, irrational behavior, impaired body movement, problems with memory. Also, different effects are breathing problems, increased heart rates, hallucinations, temporary paranoia, etc.

D'Ambrosio, In sum, legalized medical marijuana has a great positive impact on human health, medical conditions of terminally ill-patients, the US economy and agriculture.

The uniqueness of this drug is that it can be used for medical purposes, and it is legally permitted in several states in the USA AlaskaCaliforniaColoradoMaineMassachusettsNevadaOregonand Washington. The significance of the topic is that it unveils that medical marijuana is considered safe to use and there are no contradictions. The traditional effects of marijuana are relaxation and euphoria, and other reactions involve a feeling of heightened senses, overexcitement, laughter, and increased appetite.

The peculiar feature of this drug is that it persists in the brain longer than in the blood, and for this reason the psychological effects persist for some time in contrast to other drugs Sachs et al, D'Ambrosio, F. Cannabis Is Medicine. The Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay of Medical Marijuana Introduction. New York : Routledge, Russo, E. Pharmacology, : Sachs, J. November 22, buy essays, buy argumentative essays, buy own essays, should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay, buy essay online, plagiarism free essays, how to copy and paste without plagiarism OwnEssays.

Argumentative Essay Example: Medical Marijuana Argumentative Essay Outline Name Professor Courses Title 21 November Medical Marijuana: Argumentative Essay Example Outline Much debate has been introduced regarding the legalization and medical use of marijuana. Thesis statement: Legalization of medical marijuana, if not abused, will bring more benefits to the US economy and the population than illegal possession of a drug.

Supporting point 1 Topic sentence Buy Argumentative Essay : Medical marijuana is one of the best drugs for providing relief to various health conditions such as anxiety, cancer chronic pain, AIDS, etc. Reasoning: In marijuana, opioids perform a function of neurotransmitters because they send chemical signals to nerve cells throughout the nervous system. Supporting point 2 Topic sentence: Legalization of medical marijuana will have a positive impact on US economy and reduces black market operations.

Reasoning: Converting medical marijuana industry into a state-owned one will bring to the state millions of dollars each month. Supporting point 3 Topic sentence: Legalized medical marijuana will help local farmers to preserve the environment and avoid deforestation and soil erosion, should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay.

Reasoning: Illegal marijuana farming hurts the environment and leads to soil erosion. Counter argument: Inappropriate use of marijuana may lead to health-related issues including short-term memory loss and despair. Reasoning: Some negative feelings may expand to paranoia, distrust, fear, panic, feeling of pain, and psychosis.

Conclusion: In sum, legalized medical marijuana has a great positive impact on human health, medical conditions of terminally ill-patients, the US economy and agriculture. Works Cited D'Ambrosio, F. Close 1 Paper Details 2 Price Calculation 3 Personal Info 4 Checkout. Academic level. Type of paper. Paper title:.

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Persuasive Speech: Why Marijuana should be legalized

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Should Marijuana be Legalized for Medical Purposes Essay on

should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes essay

May 18,  · Marijuana use for medical purposes has been a major controversy in the United States and other countries for several years. Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legal Essay Being as though Marijuana is a very problematic drug in society today, many feel that it should be fully excluded from the criminal justice systems Medical Marijuana is already legal in 29 of the 50 states in America. Most of Americans are pro marijuana for medical uses. This drug should be treated as a medicine and not an illegal substance. Medical Marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states of the USA to help ease and prevent pain in those who are ill with severe sickness While marijuana use has its own benefits and advantages, attempts to legalize marijuana use have more of adverse effects than positives. Thus, it can be concluded that while legalization of marijuana for medical use sounds sensible, its use for recreational or personal purposes is quite dangerous. Works Cited. Goddard, J. L. ()

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