Aug 07, · How to Save Wildlife The people should never buy animals’ skulls, feathers, and As a result of that, you will discourage wild animals’ killings. People should eliminate the thought of wild animals as exotic food. Avoid misconceptions that tend to portray animals’ parts as a source of blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins when an animal saves a human or another animal’s life, but instead of coming in contact with the species. It saves lives through giving its body as a sacrifice for medical testing. Holland shares the story, “A Rabbit’s Sixth Sense,” with Save Wild Life Essay Example Many of us might not have given a serious thought to wildlife we believe that this should be a hotly debated issue, the tangible and intangible benefits we receive from wildlife conservation directly concerns over 75 percent of our country’s population who depend upon the traditional occupation – rainfed agriculture
50///// Words Essay on Conservation of Wildlife,Essay on Wildlife conservation
But in its strictest sense, it includes uncultivated mammals, reptiles, birds and fishes etc. which are generally hunted. In broad sense, wildlife includes whole fauna and flora found in wilderness zone natural habitat.
Hence, in broad sense, wildlife includes whole flora and fauna found in its natural habitat wilderness zone which embraces all living organisms. Save wild life essay in strict sense, it includes animal, birds, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, bees, butterflies, fish, their young and eggs and their habitat i.
land, water and vegetation which are their natural home. But again in the strictest sense, wildlife includes mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes which are uncultivated not domesticated, not tamed and generally hunted. The present world, especially developing countries including India, is facing problems of over-population, poverty and illiteracy. There is tremendous save wild life essay in human population at a very fast pace and consequently causing depletion of natural resources day-by-day.
The land and the natural resources are limited but the numbers of mouths to feed are going up and up. Under such circumstances, it is really very difficult task to protect, propagate and strive for place to the wildlife. Thus, realizing the conditions of various sectors of our country particularly socio-economic life, the wildlife must be managed and guided by the save wild life essay and intensive land-use concept. We should propagate the wildlife through the concept of various ways by educating and motivating the public taking economical benefits from the wildlife, the renewable natural resources, for the common mass.
This is possible through the concept of multiple-use of the land. Hence, multiple-use concept means that the resources not only keeping in only one use, should be utilized or used in multiple uses or directions so that maximum productions or benefits may be taken from it.
The soil is the most important resource of this earth. We cannot imagine life without it. If soil is used only for agriculture, horticulture and forestry, there will be only one type of production at a time; but if it is utilized for multiple-uses, we will get more than save wild life essay production at a time, save wild life essay.
For example, if in the lands suited for agricultural crops, the fast growing trees forest crops are planted on bunds which remain vacant then we will get fuel food, fodder for livestock, wood for agricultural implements, poles etc. in addition to the agricultural crops. It along with this tree planting on bunds, some game birds like quails, partridge, and jungle fowl etc.
which are harmless to the agricultural crops and live in agricultural fields are reared or left there; then after save wild life essay the villagers may be allowed to hunt them and taking fees. In this way; from agricultural fields, in addition to agricultural crops, benefits may be taken as fuel wood, fodder, wood timber, hunting etc.
The land is classified on the basis of the fertility and texture of the soil. On this very basis, the land is divided and distributed into various sectors such as agriculture, horticulture, forestry and so on for its proper utilization.
The last type save wild life essay land which is unfertile, degraded, marginal and which cannot be used for any other purpose should be merely earmarked for wildlife including forest. Applying modern wildlife management techniques on such land, we can get benefits through tourism; trade in general and scientific field etc, save wild life essay.
and at the same time preservation and propagation of wildlife will also be achieved. Thus, it will serve the purposes of conservation of rare and threatened species, soil and water conservation, save wild life essay, and enhancement of our economy up to a certain extent, save wild life essay. Since wildlife is also a kind of land-use as a renewable crop; soil, water, air etc. are needed for them. If this land-use is also kept separate like other land-uses agriculture, horticulture etc.
The lands which are not suitable for agriculture and horticulture, they are lastly save wild life essay for forestry and wildlife. Under such circumstances; seeing the importance of wildlife, it may be linked with other land-uses in such a way that the revenue from the main land-use may be meeting and simultaneously the wildlife may also be conserved and propagated imparting benefits to the mankind.
Developed countries have already taken steps in this direction and wildlife is viewed as a land-use and most of the wildlife in these countries are seen in the individual farms, trade centres, save wild life essay, national parks, sanctuaries and zoos.
It shows the outlook of developed countries towards the wildlife. Similar sectors of economic activities in India can be identified in each area of the country depending upon land-use pattern. The selection also depends upon the potential and type of wild fauna present in that particular area. For instance, breeding of suitable birds should be encouraged in certain area which should be closed for a certain period and then opened up so that people may be allowed hunting, if necessary, and government may get revenue.
Similarly, trade may be dealt in silk, lac, feathers, wool, fats and oils, wild meat etc. if individual farms are set-up, save wild life essay.
Along with main land-uses like the agriculture and forestry, wildlife as land-use may be linked as follows:. First of all; the forest should be divided as per the objectives such as protected forest, production forest, less productive and in the form of rivers and nallahs. Therefore, the forest area which is not so important from timber production point of view is very much important from wildlife management point of view and should be the main objective for wildlife in such area.
The forest area which is important for timber production point of view, wildlife management may be less important. But this area may also be managed which can meet the demands of wildlife propagation without hampering forest production. In villages, there are some save wild life essay and degraded lands, village roads, rivers and nallahs which are not suitable for agricultural crops.
In such areas, management should be done in such a way that it may suit for certain wildlife. Bushes may be grown in degraded and barren lands. These will help as shelter for small wild animals, birds etc. as well as will provide fodder for livestock. In such areas, game birds like partridge, quails, jungle fowls etc.
may be grown which will give revenue after some time by allowing hunting through paying fees. Apart from this, pisciculture may also be developed in ponds of the villages to get handsome revenue. Hence, in our country, there is ample chance to link wildlife as land-use with the other land-uses on the basis of the multiple-use concept by understanding wildlife as important land-use for nature, environment, eco-balance and ultimately human-life.
It involves a challenging task of wildlife resource mobilization, efficient land-use and integration of wildlife economics with the basic planning objectives.
This prospective should form a part of our overall developmental strategy so that we can save, preserve, conserve and propagate our remaining national valuable wildlife heritage up to the mark. In nutshell, it can be said that we must divide the land into several categories depending upon the quality of land and its uses for various purposes such as agriculture, horticulture, forestry etc.
The land; which is unfertile, save wild life essay, degraded and where the land cannot be used otherwise for any other purpose should be exclusively utilized for wildlife. By applying modern management techniques, we can get economical profit from such kinds of lands by promoting tourism, scientific trade and other related business. It will serve the twin purposes like conservation of rare and threatened species as well as conservation of soil and water, and thus dragging our economy towards-prosperity.
to be interlinked in order to come together and work save wild life essay full collaboration for finalizing and suggesting the proper utility and suitability of the particular piece of land so that each save wild life essay every piece of land may be utilized in proper way to avoid future anomalies or complications and in getting balance in every walk of human life.
Food is the most important basic requirement to get energy and subsequently for proper growth, breeding, save wild life essay, propagation and other metabolic-activities.
The green plants manufacture their food by own by the process of photosynthesis and, thus, called as autotrophs. The animal-communities do not have such type of mechanism and, thus, have to depend upon others called as heterotrophs. In this respect, the consumers like herbivorous animals depend upon plants producers deriving food-energy from them and, save wild life essay, in turn, carnivores ultimately trap their food and energy from them, in this way, food-chain and food-web have been formed and ecological-balance is maintained.
Though, each animal requires nutritive elements but the food requirements of all the animals are not alike. The different species are differently adopted for their food as per their environment or habitat and, thus, have different kinds of food-habits to suit in a particular environment.
A particular food may be edible for a particular species whereas it may be non-edible for others. Therefore, quality and quantity of food available in the habitat affects a lotto the number and status of the wild animals. Hence, the assessment of characteristics, quality, quantity and status of the vegetation available in the habitat and its improvement is an important and primary stage of wildlife management.
Some animals fulfill their required nutrients by eating the plants itself; while in some animals, like ruminants, it is save wild life essay by certain bacteria etc. found in their digestive tract which make it available in useful forms of elements for the body, save wild life essay. In some special period, such as in pregnancy and milking period, the females require more food or some special food than the normal period for proper growth of the fetus and young ones.
As per food-habit, save wild life essay, there is adaptation in the digestive system of the species and they prefer the food in that manner. For example, herbivores become instinct towards vegetarian food while carnivores towards non-vegetarian food. Deer become tempted to see grasses whereas tigers will not. For the sustenance of life, the animals consume different types of food in the variable seasons and in this way their food-choice may be said as primary, secondary and so on.
After preferred-food, the staple-food comes in the series. Generally, this food is important for the living of the animal being available for long time. When there is scarcity of staple food, save wild life essay, the species depends upon certain food which is neither so tasteful nor nutritive and called as emergency-food.
Such food cannot sustain the animal for a long period because it induces malnutrition. The food which is totally non-nutritive and is consumed by the animal only to fulfill its stomach is called stuffing-food.
Such food is taken in by the animals when there is no alternative. Sometimes, certain animals take unusual food which is not in their habit. For example, sometimes bark eaten by sambhar and cheetal, grass by tiger as found in save wild life essay pellet sometimes etc.
The period in which the food is not sufficiently available and causes save wild life essay to the animal, is called pinch-period. This period may be for other basic requirements also such as water etc. The period varies as per the habitat, save wild life essay, climate, country etc.
The management part is very essential and plays important role for such period. The selection of food by the animal depends upon the season and period of the habitat, it depends upon the fact that in which season or period, which type of food is available, and how much labour is to be done to procure it by the animal; because season is responsible for the availability and quantity of the food in a particular habitat.
Hence; the food, which is easily and sufficiently found in a season, is consumed in enough quantity by the animal. It can be said that plenty of food is directly related with its consumption. Palatability of food for animal is related with its taste, save wild life essay, easy availability and digestibility etc.
Since its evolution and habit, the animal selects its food accordingly as it is capable of digestion as well as has habitual instinct for such food. Hence; by considering all these situations, it save wild life essay be said that the quantity and quality of food serve a lot in the survival and propagation of the animals, save wild life essay. For their survival, different kinds save wild life essay animals take different kinds of food as per their adapted habit and habitat.
For example; some species survive by eating seeds of the plants which is very nutritive while some are living on grasses and leaves of the trees, some are habituated on dry grasses and save wild life essay, some take tender leaves and grass while some prefer hard grasses and so on. Some are grazers whereas some are browsers.
Saving animals, saving the future - John Linehan - TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet
, time: 11:21Save Wild Life Free Essay Sample
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Save Wild Life Essay Example Many of us might not have given a serious thought to wildlife we believe that this should be a hotly debated issue, the tangible and intangible benefits we receive from wildlife conservation directly concerns over 75 percent of our country’s population who depend upon the traditional occupation – rainfed agriculture when an animal saves a human or another animal’s life, but instead of coming in contact with the species. It saves lives through giving its body as a sacrifice for medical testing. Holland shares the story, “A Rabbit’s Sixth Sense,” with If they are already endangered, people set up ways to save the species from becoming extinct. Extinction is when a species is no longer on Earth and the species will no longer be reproduced. In this essay we will discuss the issue of Wildlife Endangerment caused by human activities, natural causes, and some ways that people
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