Thursday, May 20, 2021

Save planet earth essay

Save planet earth essay

save planet earth essay

30/3/ · Olivia Castillo Eng. Mr. Lewenstein 10/23/14 Save the Planet Essay In today’s society, people are exposing our planet to more harmful chemicals every day. The chemicals are able to help in succeeding with some experiments and new inventions, but too much of it is causing great damage to our environment 22/7/ · Our planet is in great danger. For the last one hundred or so years, the people of earth have wasted and misused the natural recourses of earth. Several plans have been developed to stop the abuse of earth. Some of these plans I will discuss in this essay, many of which can be executed by any blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 21/3/ · Save the Forest The evolution of people and animals was only possible because of plants. Plants are the base of the food chain and the source of energy for almost all life on Earth. Forests are ancient, mature communities of plants and animals, with homes and places for thousands of blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

Save Our Planet - the Earth Free Essay Example

Suresh is an amateur astronomer, geologist, environmentalist, and science enthusiast. He has received many national awards. Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet that has life. Before A. But since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has save planet earth essay. Man has been using and misusing natural resources up to the limit.

Now we are tearing up remote corners of the planet looking for crude oil and coal, and our forests and wild animals are disappearing. Our environment is totally polluted: we drink polluted waterinhale air full of dust, and eat food with traces of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Hence we are suffering from diseases. As a result of human activities, the ozone layer has a hole, the sea is rising, and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland are save planet earth essay. Now global warming is warning us that climate change is not a hoax and it is coming.

Mother Earth is in danger; life on Earth is in danger. Let us come together to save our life-giving and life-saving Mother Earth. The evolution of people and animals was only possible because of plants.

Plants are the base of the food chain and the source of energy for almost all life on Earth. Forests are ancient, mature communities of plants and animals, with homes and places for thousands of species. Forests give us oxygen, food, shelter, medicines, fuel, and furniture. Forests protect us from the heat of the sun, and from wind, cold, and rain. Forests maintain the balance of nature, the environment, the climate, save planet earth essay, the weather, and the composition of the atmosphere.

As a matter of fact, forests are our life. But what are we doing? We are destroying the forestsmeaning we are destroying our life and our future. All the problems we face today are made worse by deforestation. If we are thinking beings, we must save plants and forests, because they save us. Our Earth belongs to all living things, if it belongs to any of them.

But we overpowered many species and killed save planet earth essay for our use. Now thousands of species are extinct because their habitat is gone. As a matter of fact, these animals, birds, and insects have actually built a better environment for us, provided us with so many things: they are not just creatures, but the real creators of nature. We are here on Earth because they are here on Earth.

If they are gone, we will also be gone. So the only wise thing to do is to save wildlife and its habitat. Through deforestation, urbanization, industrialization, save planet earth essay, and pollution, our environment is being destroyed.

Flows of energy, nutrients, and other elements are disrupted. Global warming and climate change are the major threats to Earth and all human beings, save planet earth essay. Due to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted by civilization, heat is building up in the atmosphere at a rate not seen for tens of millions of years.

Levels of air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and food contamination are high. Human interference has brought nature close save planet earth essay destruction. Now we all must come together to prevent pollution and save the environment and humankind. All these environmental changes are warnings of global save planet earth essay. Now we all save planet earth essay become aware of these consequences.

The evidence is disturbing: we are destroying our Earth and environment. Change your unnatural lifestyle to the extent you can.

Use a bicycle as much as possible, save planet earth essay. Don't misuse precious water and electricity. Don't use plastics when you can avoid it. The tiger is an important top carnivore, and the most beautiful animal on Earth, but it is on the brink of extinction. Only tigers survive in India, save planet earth essay. Let us come together to protect this majestic animal and save planet earth essay its land.

The world of today belongs to humans. What are the rights of animals, birds, insects and other living things?

NONE: they have no rights. But why? They are the original residents of this Earth. We have built cities and forced the animals to leave their homes. Then we made our cities dirty, overpopulated, and polluted. Industrialisation gave us air pollution, save planet earth essay, dust, tainted water, noise, and garbage. Cities have changed into heat islands, changing the weather patterns around them.

If we do not do something save planet earth essay change this, not even humans will be able to live in cities, let alone other creatures. So here I suggest an "Eco-Cities Project. US Department of Commerce Earth Systems Research Laboratory.

Global warming and unpredictable shifts in climate are global problems. They affect every creature on Earth, and are caused by human actions all over the world. It will take global action by governments, on a war footing, to change the habits and beliefs and technologies that cause civilizations to emit greenhouse gases.

It's possible that disrupted ocean circulation due to climate change could bring cold weather to Europe. It's certain that the greenhouse effect will change the weather in ways we aren't prepared for. This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. earth is the most beautiful thing which we have but for our selfish needs we are destroying it save planet earth essay thing we have to do only one thing is just to fall in love save planet earth essay mother nature dear sir I know your feelings and I give respect to your feelings but first we fallow the rule and regulation to save the earth after that we give the suggestion to save the earth.

ctually, this tips and suggestions should be followed by each and everyone to save our environment. You can sell Newspapers, Books, Carton, Plastic, Iron, Steel, Copper, Brass, Tin and many more recyclable materials by booking a pickup online.

Very nice thinking about mother earth and future generations on December 18, save planet earth essay, being a year 7 living in this earth for possible another 50 years or so I would hate to see mother earth slowly die, so I say save mother earth not just for me but for every one.

Very good website I am very happy to see the website there are many lots of things in the website in this website there are many things I love this website's there are many common things people can understand people can understand this things thanks. Actually the earth doesn't belongs to us we belong to the earth. We should always try to save our mother earth, I really love my planet and its nature.

Well I just want that a single person in this world should think that "IF WE WILL SAVE IT TODAY WE WILL NOT SUFFER TOMORROW " and that's what I want to say. Please please please save mother earth. If u can't save mother earth than please don't ruins it. It really is a medium which awares us about the problems that are going to happen to our future generation. We all should do plantation as much as we can to save our planet "Mother Earth".

Thank you,for this amazing awareness essay on save our mother earth. This will help those people who are trying to save our mother earth by planting trees, save planet earth essay. So I request that all the people who had read this essay or this type of essay please plant only two plants in one year. And that will help you in your future. So, please take care of our mother earth. And save our PRECIOUS EARTH. This is a save planet earth essay essay on how to save our earth and I hope that evening to everyone that sees this will let other people know about this so they can learn of what is happening to our earth and help to save it.

Thank you for this information about saving our earth. Nice essay it will help in my tesr. Very nice article. I was searching for my son's speech competition 5 yrs old. Simple words. Easy to teach him. Thank you sir.

��Taking Care Of The Earth Story - How Do You Help The Earth?

, time: 2:10

How To Save Our Planet Essay - Words | Internet Public Library

save planet earth essay

21/8/ · Essay on Save Earth for Students and Children + Words Essay on Save Earth Earth and the resources of earth make life possible on it. If we were to imagine our lives without these resources, that would not be blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Essay On Nonrenewable Resources Words | 6 Pages There is a quote by President Barack Obama saying, “To truly transform our economy, protect our security, and save our planet from the ravages of climate change, we need to ultimately make clean, renewable energy the profitable kind of energy,” (“ Inspiring Environmental Quotes”) 1. Afforestation: A lot of trees are being planted to make up for the lost vegetation. Emphasis is being given on using 2. Use of Renewable Resources: Solar panels, eco-friendly vehicles, recycling the garbage, and minimizing the plastic 3. Water Conservation: Water is Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

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