Thursday, May 20, 2021

Poverty in pakistan essay

Poverty in pakistan essay

poverty in pakistan essay

Poverty is widespread in Pakistan and is particularly predominant in rural areas. Nearly two thirds of the population, and 80 per cent of the country’s poor people, live in rural parts of the country. In the government of Pakistan estimated that almost 24 percent of the population of Pakistan live below the poverty line Poverty in Pakistan Essay Pakistan is a poor and underdeveloped country. Most of its population lives in entirely adverse circumstances. Some reports reveal that more than forty percent population of Pakistan live below the line of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Apr 13,  · Quality Of Life, Livelihood And Poverty In Pakistan. Info: words (3 pages) Essay Published: 13th Apr in Economics Reference this

Poverty In Pakistan Essay - Words | Cram

Poverty is a social problem of Pakistan with the fact that most of the people have limited economic resources and their standard of living is low. The people have been deprived of modern facilities in education, health, communication and good food. In this age of competition they feel deprived of their rights and inferiority complex prevails upon them.

They feel shy in sitting with the well off families. They are not given marital relations with well off people because they are disliked due to poverty. These people are mostly illiterate and their friendship is with the people of same type. That is why their standard of life does not rise without education and economic resources. Poverty itself is a social problem because the poor people are unable to follow the new trends and they fail to adopt new modes in social life. Poverty is a social problem because they have failed to increase their income resources.

Poverty in pakistan essay, is called to be a social problem because these people lag behind the advancing people and do not understand the ways of progress:They are mostly frustrated when their needs of life are not fulfilled.

In frustration they become aggressive and may commit such acts which are criminal in nature. Due to hatred by others they take reaction and poverty in pakistan essay into criminal activities.

They destroy the vehicles and property of rich people due to economic disparity. Sometimes a child of rich man is abducted. This leads to more heinous crime like murder on the rich man, poverty in pakistan essay. In this way. poverty being a social problem creates other social problems of serious nature. Contents WHAT IS POVERTY 1. WHO IS POOR? POVERTY AS A SOCIAL PROBLEM Poverty is a social problem because it gives birth to many Social problem which are given poverty in pakistan essay 1.

Poverty generates illiteracy and ignorance. Many children are unable to get education due to this problem. Millions of children every year prefer to earn instead of education because of economic problem. Terrorism is also a product of poverty Terrorists trap Young children and poor youths by giving lots of money and trained them to become terrorists to destabilize the country.

umbrella of poverty. People Commit crime due to poverty. A lot of social evils are also produced because of it. So it is stated that poverty is a social poverty in pakistan essay and also is, a mother of many other social problems. CAUSES OF POVERTY There is a number of causes of poverty, which are given below: i. lack of Getting Benefit with Natural Resources: We are unable poverty in pakistan essay get economic resources from the natural environment poverty in pakistan essay by God to us, poverty in pakistan essay.

it is the land, hills, mountains, rivers and falls from which we Can get wealth by our technical skills. We can control and divert the waters flowing from mountains into dams from which power can be generated and the canals for irrigation, poverty in pakistan essay. Avoid low Quality Work: The people of our nation avoid hard work and labor.

They, poverty in pakistan essay shy in working down in the street, and on the road. They think themselves to be respectable by not working in labor but wearing a dress clean and tidy. This concept of respect and prestige puts them into dingy house, dirty places to live and low standard food to eat with missing facilities of sanitation in their residential areas.

lack of Hard Work leads to drug addiction: Such people who avoid hard work lead a life of poor man and mostly indulge in drug addiction. They get into heroine, churs and other things of abuse.

The prohibited acts get into their habits and they involve poverty in pakistan essay delinquent activities, which leads to criminal actions in life. Such people feel themselves satisfied in associates of these types. They remain satisfied and get things stolen from house for fulfillment of their needs. Smoking and telling a lie are bad habit develop in general behavior of such workless adults. They are idle and useless persons hated by good citizens.

Lack of Religious Education: They avoid getting into religious education and hate moral and cultural values of Islam. They disobey their parents and elders of family. They walk late at night out of home in company of associates of such habits. Ultimately they become criminals in adult life. Wastage of Economic Resources: Another cause of poverty is wasting the economic resources. If the savings are not protected the family faces problems in future. Ill health and other necessities of food and dress require money from saving.

If saving is poor, then these problems create heavy tension and disturbance on the members of family. Unemployment: Unemployment is the most important cause of poverty. Those young men, who are unable to get jobs can do works of low standards available to them. They can work in farms. They can work in factories and In business centers at low wages. They feel shy to do so and consider these jobs to the below standards. In such cases, unemployment is self created by them, because our culture is simple and non-technical.

Employment chances are few for a large number of people. Therefore, poverty in pakistan essay, unemployment cannot be blamed as main cause of poverty. We can choose other works on construction of buildings, poverty in pakistan essay, on shoe mending, working with tailors and carpenters, electrical works and works of techniques on machines.

There are mechanical works available frequently around us in which job can be taken according to the Wishes of the owner. This minimum and 10w wage also provides a back ground and foot step towards progress of the future. No doubt it is true but the basic factor according to sharait of Islam is work and hard work.

Here adoption of profession has not been said as the only principle. We see today the western countries are followers of this a Hadith and we go there for higher education, poverty in pakistan essay, medical treatment and for equipment and machinery because they are expert of all these productions.

It does not mean to wait for better results Without works. He says that work is basic foundation for the result of success. Wrong Religious Beliefs: Some people have wrong religious beliefs in future events of life. They say that Allah will forgive all Sinners by virtue of His mercy. This is wrong interpreted because Allah presented a principle of judgment between right and wrong on the Day of Judgment.

Every good and bad event will be measured on the scale and man will be rewarded or punished accordingly. He can do mercy upon any one whom He likes, but this is not general principle for all. Those who believe in this authority of Allah, are misguided persons. Illiteracy: Illiteracy is also a major reason of poverty as illiterate person possesses less potential and skills.

He is not well groomed and trained for getting better economic and social status in society or a higher and prestigious job. Therefore, he is trapped in the net of poverty poverty in pakistan essay. Ignorance: Ignorance is also one of the main reason of poverty where people have better economic resources are victimize of this cause. As people of the rural areas of Pakistan sell their acres and spend the whole life and money in judicial proceeding with poverty in pakistan essay neighbor or Counterpart Without knowing and calculating the losses and benefits.

IMPACTS OF POVERTY I. Caused crime: When resources are not enough to meet the basic needs of life, people sometimes do not abide by the law and commit crime. Due to poverty, economic crimes are committed in society such as robbery, dacoit, kidnapping etc.

Beggary: Poverty creates beggars in Society. Most of the beggars in society are begging ,due to poverty not due to cultural constraints, poverty in pakistan essay.

This includes deaf, dumb, disabled, old aged, children, widows etc. Social evils: Poverty cerates social evils in society.

Due to this, people are unable to follow the norms and values of society. In result they become the victim of social evils. Drug addiction: Generally, poor are the victims of addiction like, heroin, alcohol, marijuana etc. These kinds of people are usually found on the foot path of the roads in unconscious state, poverty in pakistan essay. They even some times are unable to tell their name and whereabouts.

Violation of values and norms: Poor generally are unable to follow the norms and values of society, hence they violate for the sake of money, food and shelter. Low quality of life: Poor enjoy low quality of life in every walk of life. They are unable to get better education, avail better health facility, live in better place and house, and eat better, poverty in pakistan essay, delicious and hygienic food.

Hence there quality of life is very poor. Ill health: Poverty negatively strikes on the health of the poor. It is observed that poor do not enjoy better health. They are the victim of epidemics like malaria, cholera, gestro and other sever diseases viii. Low social status: Due to above mentioned consequences and impacts of Poverty; poor people do not enjoy better social status in society.

They are considered at the lower bottom of society.

Essay on Poverty and its Eradication with outline - For BA and BSc Students - Pak Online Study

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Poverty in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences - Words | Bartleby

poverty in pakistan essay

Nov 20,  · Poverty Condition in Pakistan Poverty has been one of the biggest problems that Pakistan faces today. It is rightly said that poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere. Nearly 60 per cent of the population of Pakistan lives in villages. According to an analysis, poverty has increased roughly from 30% to 40% during the past decade Apr 13,  · Quality Of Life, Livelihood And Poverty In Pakistan. Info: words (3 pages) Essay Published: 13th Apr in Economics Reference this Poverty in Pakistan is also a major issue: a very fast-growing population facing a lot of problem like lack of education, jobs, technology and investment. But the nation is committed for tackling the problem and the poverty rate has fallen by more than 10% in the mids

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