Sep 26, · We will write a custom Essay on “The Stranger” a Book by Albert Camus specifically for you. for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Guilt or innocence of the crime was not the main concern of the magistrate in The Stranger. Contrarily, his foremost concern was Meursault’s social behavior Nov 03, · November 3, by Essay Writer Albert Camus studied the philosophy of the absurd and decided that, to him, the most important philosophical question was “why not commit suicide?” In “The Myth of Sisyphus: An Absurd reasoning” (), he discusses his thoughts on the answer to this blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins May 12, · Character Analysis of Meursault in The Stranger, by Albert Camus. Info: words (6 pages) Essay Published: 12th May in Literature. Reference this Share this: Facebook. Twitter. Reddit. LinkedIn. WhatsApp The Stranger, by Albert Camus, is an existentialist novel that reveals the life of an emotionally detached and absurd man, Meursault
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He murdered an Arab and was arrested by the police for his crime. Thus, Meursault was judged for both his actions and his nonchalant disposition. Guilt or innocence of the crime was not the main concern of the magistrate in The Stranger. Meursault was not being tried as a man who had committed a crime. In other words, how the society perceives the protagonist assumed precedence over his alleged crime. In The Strangercamus essay, the protagonist is remarkably detached from life even though he is involved in all its activities, camus essay.
He even seemed camus essay to grieve when his mother died. He remained dispassionate towards Marie despite the fact that he enjoyed her company. The magistrate is more intrigued with his blasé personality than the crime he had committed. Meursault was a social renegade. He was a deviant soul who did not believe in or adhere to the societal codes.
This made him more undesirable than the fact that he had committed a murder. Meursault was found guilty of murder, as he had confessed to the act. However, his nonchalance and indifference were a greater crime in camus essay eyes of the court and the society who believed that his behavior towards society and his nonattachment towards life was deplorable.
Thus, camus essay, Meursault was convicted for his crime of being a social camus essay, a stranger, than his wrongdoing. Need a camus essay Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Select a referencing style:. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.
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Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus (part 1) - Existentialist Philosophy \u0026 Literature
, time: 59:30Albert Camus (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Nov 03, · November 3, by Essay Writer Albert Camus studied the philosophy of the absurd and decided that, to him, the most important philosophical question was “why not commit suicide?” In “The Myth of Sisyphus: An Absurd reasoning” (), he discusses his thoughts on the answer to this blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Nov 03, · November 3, by Essay Writer Isolation can affect anyone. But how can it affect relationships? The novel, The Stranger, by Albert Camus, is about an isolated character named blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Essays Albert Camus Translated from the French by Justin O’Brien Contents Preface The Myth Of Sisyphus An Absurd Reasoning Absurdity and Suicide Absurd Walk The subject of this essay is precisely this relationship between the absurd and suicide, the exact degree to File Size: KB
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